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According to Greek mythology Gods were considered immortal. So Zeus cannot die. He is also known as the father of both gods and men. He had sky, thunder, lightning, rain and wind under his control which made him the most powerful of all gods. The position of supremacy was not easy to achieve, he had to defeat his father and the titans. 

Hera also worshipped as the goddess of marriage was Zeus’s wife. Greek mythology depicts the unhappy marriage between Zeus and Hera. The reason being the Infidelity of Zeus with numerous women, which made Hera jealous. Hera the goddess of marriage was epitome of a faithful wife. The extra marital affairs were upsetting for her, so she often punished Zeus’s lover and their children to show her power and resentment. She even challenged Zeus’s authority and planned to overthrow him just like his father. 

Zeus had received a prophecy that if his wife gives birth to a son, he would be overthrown just like his father Cronus. To prevent this from happening Zeus swallowed his first wife Metis while she was pregnant. He had tricked Metis by asking her to turn herself as a fly and was swallowed whole by Zeus. Metis died but her daughter Athena grew inside Zeus. After a few days Zeus developed a severe headache which led to earth shattering howls. The gods came to look at Zeus and to cure his illness, Hermes knew what to do so he ordered Hephaestus to split open Zeus’s head with a wedge. Athena sprang out full grown in an armour from Zeus’s head. Athena was given the title of goddess of war.

If you would like to know how Zeus was born, then I have covered it as well.

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