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Zeus and Athena are closely related. Zeus is Athena’s father, and it can also be speculated that she was the first-born child of Zeus and could thus hold a special place in the heart of Zeus. At another glance, it can be noted that how she was born also plays a role in why Zeus holds his daughter dear. It is said that she sprang in full armor from the forehead of Zeus and for this reason, she has no mother. There is another story that mentions that Athena is the daughter of Zeus from his first wife Metis. It was foretold by Gaia to Zeus that the Metis would first give birth to a daughter and then to a son who would overthrow Zeus. As he wanted to avoid this fate, Zeus swallows Metis, whole. He then has a splitting headache and asks for help from Hephaestus. He uses his axe and splits Zeus’s head and outjumps Athena, fully decked in armor.

Athena is a kind god and quite benevolent, but she can be quite ferocious when defending the unarmed and weak. She is also the goddess of city, handicrafts and agriculture. Athena is also credited for having created the bridle, which allowed mortals to tame horses, the trumpet, the pot, the rake, the yoke, ship and chariots. She embodies reason, wisdom and purity. She is also said to be a virgin. Being Zeus’s favorite child, she was also able to wield his weapon which included his famous thunderbolt.

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